BSA Troop 167, Arlington VA

Troop 167 Reunion


For the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Scout Troop 167

It's time to celebrate 50 years of Scouting at Mount Olivet, so mark your calendars for Saturday, May 4, 2002. This will be a one-day, all-day event, with all activities to be held at Mt Olivet. There will be plenty of time set aside to reminisce with scouters and your fellow scouts.

We'll send a follow-up letter when the date of the celebration is closer, but we want to get the word out now so that you'll have time to make your plans to come.

We need your help!!

It will also allow for time to locate your fellow scouts who have moved in the ten years since the last reunion. Many of the addresses we have are not current. So if you know the address of fellow scouts, please let us know their addresses and also let them know about the reunion. We'll need all the help we can get to spread the word.

So remember May 4, 2002 -- plan to attend -- and please send those addresses!

Contact List: This will be a list of people who have been contacted and a list of people who need to be contacted.

Troop 167 History

The intent of this page is to capture the history and tradition of Troop 167 Arlington, VA (Official Site). It will include an "alumni" list and photos from summer trips. I was a member from about 1983 to 1990, so I will be focusing on these years. If you have any information from these or other years, I'd be happy to incorporate it.

Alumni List Summer Trips
Adam Cummins, Russell Bailey, Bill Berglie, Steve Berglie, Tom Berglie, Adam Briggs, Sean Carver, Andrew Carver, David Heines, Mike Keirnan, Tim Lapham, Douglas McDonald, Bill Mowitt, Mike Onesty, Woody Pewitt, Dave Woods 1984: Goshen | Florida Trip
1985: Philmont & Western Trip
1986: Goshen
1987: Philmont & Western Trip
1988: Goshen
1989: Philmont & Western Trip

All BSA pages should include a link to this page: All Troops

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If you have comments or suggestions, contact BURNS!!!.