1993 Trail Crew November
Crew 1
Crew 2
day 0 Rich Cabin Ev Volk (Foreman) day 0 Rich Cabin Ev Volk (Foreman)
day 1 The Valle Nathan Adams day 1 The Valle, L Casitillo Day Hike Mike (aka 'Junior')
day 2 L Casitillo Day Hike Kelly Charbonneau day 2 Rich Cabin Mike (aka 'Mark')
day 3 Rich Cabin John Day day 3 Dan Beard Mike (aka 'Mike')
day 4 Baldy Area Neil Fontenot day 4 Abreu Juan
day 5 Aspen Springs area Jason Heeren day 5 Layover
day 6 Santa Claus? Doug Lawrence day 6 Fish Camp
day 7 Visto Grande? Adrien Ludwig day 7 Phillip's?
day 8 Chris Thompson day 8
day 9 Beaubien Doug Thompson day 9 Hunting Lodge
day 10 day 10
day 11 day 11 Toothridge
day 12 Urraca Mesa day 12

What is Trail Crew? Trail crews are limited to older Scouts and Explorers. The crew spends 18 days at a back country work site doing conservation work. Then the crew strikes out on a trek of their own design. This is a great way of seeing Philmont inexpensively.

TC Oscar 96
xpcab xgpbo
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